Practice feedback
We offer a Practice complaints procedure to deal with comments, suggestions, and complaints. Our aim is to give the highest possible standard of service, and we try to deal swiftly with any problems that may occur.
Normally a written reply will be sent within 21 days from the date of our acknowledgement. Occasionally, if we have to make a lot of enquiries it may take a little longer, and if this is the case, we will keep you informed by writing to you in the interim. We will try to address your concerns fully, provide you with an explanation and discuss any action that may be needed.
Please contact us on:
Practice feedback
We offer a Practice complaints procedure to deal with comments, suggestions, and complaints. Our aim is to give the highest possible standard of service, and we try to deal swiftly with any problems that may occur.
Normally a written reply will be sent within 21 days from the date of our acknowledgement. Occasionally, if we have to make a lot of enquiries it may take a little longer, and if this is the case, we will keep you informed by writing to you in the interim. We will try to address your concerns fully, provide you with an explanation and discuss any action that may be needed.
Please contact us on:
Practice feedback
We offer a Practice complaints procedure to deal with comments, suggestions, and complaints. Our aim is to give the highest possible standard of service, and we try to deal swiftly with any problems that may occur.
Normally a written reply will be sent within 21 days from the date of our acknowledgement. Occasionally, if we have to make a lot of enquiries it may take a little longer, and if this is the case, we will keep you informed by writing to you in the interim. We will try to address your concerns fully, provide you with an explanation and discuss any action that may be needed.
Please contact us on:
Cale Green,
Practice feedback
We offer a Practice complaints procedure to deal with comments, suggestions, and complaints. Our aim is to give the highest possible standard of service, and we try to deal swiftly with any problems that may occur.
Normally a written reply will be sent within 21 days from the date of our acknowledgement. Occasionally, if we have to make a lot of enquiries it may take a little longer, and if this is the case, we will keep you informed by writing to you in the interim. We will try to address your concerns fully, provide you with an explanation and discuss any action that may be needed.
Please contact us on:
Practice feedback
We offer a Practice complaints procedure to deal with comments, suggestions, and complaints. Our aim is to give the highest possible standard of service, and we try to deal swiftly with any problems that may occur.
Normally a written reply will be sent within 21 days from the date of our acknowledgement. Occasionally, if we have to make a lot of enquiries it may take a little longer, and if this is the case, we will keep you informed by writing to you in the interim. We will try to address your concerns fully, provide you with an explanation and discuss any action that may be needed.
Please contact us on:
Practice feedback
We offer a Practice complaints procedure to deal with comments, suggestions, and complaints. Our aim is to give the highest possible standard of service, and we try to deal swiftly with any problems that may occur.
Normally a written reply will be sent within 21 days from the date of our acknowledgement. Occasionally, if we have to make a lot of enquiries it may take a little longer, and if this is the case, we will keep you informed by writing to you in the interim. We will try to address your concerns fully, provide you with an explanation and discuss any action that may be needed.
Please contact us on:
Non-urgent advice: Out of Hours
To obtain help outside the normal surgery opening hours, please call NHS 111 who are able to deal with your emergency needs between 6:30 pm and 8:00 am weekdays and throughout the weekend.
The following services ARE NOT provided:
Any medication for the treatment of drug addiction
Repeat Prescriptions
2nd Opinions
Sick notes and medicals
Contraceptive services other than the morning after pill (at the doctor’s discretion)
ACCIDENT & EMERGENCY A&E is a 24-hour accident & emergency only service.