New patients with non-urgent foot problems or registered podiatry patients requiring urgent or routine care should contact the appointments line on 0161 204 4777.
Breast screening:
Patients over 70 who want a mammogram: The GP cannot refer for this service but patients can contact the screening unit: 01625 661291.
Treatment room:
Dressing changes, stitch removal, wound care etc. Patients can self refer by ringing the appointments line choosing the option for district nurses / treatment room on 0161 204 4777.
PARIS: Physical Activity Referral in Stockport:
Physical Activity Referral in Stockport (PARiS) is the exercise referral scheme delivered by Life Leisure. Designed to help people doing less than 30-minutes of exercise per week and living with chronic health conditions, to become active and improve their health.
Self referral and info via the website https://www.lifeleisure.net/exercise-referral/
Mental Health:
- The local NHS psychological therapies service, “Healthy Minds” (self-referral):
- Psychological Wellbeing talking therapies:
- Online therapy courses via ‘Silvercloud’:
- Good self-help information:
- Mental health resources, including helplines and crisis support:
- Local mental health team 24/7 helpline:
0800 0149995
Urgent Mental Health:
- SelfHelp (The Sanctuary) – 0300 003 7029
- Open Door – 0800 138 7276
- Samaritans – 116 123
- Hopeline (under 35’s) – 0800 068 41 41
- SHOUT — text “SHOUT” to 85258
- StayAlive app